Sunday, December 5, 2010

Definitions and references

Out of respect for my friends and family, I won't use real names.  Women will be "Jane", men will be "John".  I will differentiate them by their traits.  For example, John the Rock Star is my brother, Jane the Fierce Lion is my friend who lives West.  Only I will know who I'm really talking about.

I'm being vague for a reason.  When you strip away a person's identity, their name, their job title, you are left with describing them by their actions, not how they look.  You then need to describe a person by the quality of their character.

This blog is not meant to slam or blast people either.  That requires a lot of effort, and frankly, I would like to use my powers for good.  I will, however, voice my humble opinion on issues or trends that get under my skin.  I'm not a fan of television, I don't have any cable channels.  I don't schedule my life around what's on that night.  I watch scripted shows, and I'm a fan of Oprah.  I reference her A LOT.  I deplore gossip, celebrity and otherwise.  I understand why our society has such an obsession with it.  I won't spread tales or half-truths on here.

Finally, I'm writing this blog because I love to write, and I believe I have a relatable story to tell.  So read on....

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